Superfoods…are they really super?

The term “superfoods” gets thrown around a lot in the wellness world I’ve noticed, but the foods themselves vary from person to person. Something to keep in mind when taking advice from anyone is their credentials and motivation. For example, are they a PHD with little to no nutrition training, although super smart, they may not know a lot about nutrition. Are they a self educated (mom, dad, grandparent, student, etc.) that are trying to eat a more rounded diet and take their health into their own hands? Are they promoting some brand or truly wanting to share their knowledge with the world for the greater good? All things to think about…

I have been obsessed with living a healthy and clean life style for about 6 years now. Do I make the occasional mishap and fall for the oooey, gooey goodness of a homemade chocolate chip cookie with my 6 year old or the enticing and creamy delight of lobster ravioli from, anywhere….um, yes! Do I fault myself for par-taking, NO! Am I human and sometimes need to indulge, YES! There is a difference between eating healthy based on other people’s standards and eating healthy for YOU. I have learned to eat intuitively and listen to my body and what it needs. Now, back to superfoods! I like to tell my clients if they can start including more things from the earth, i.e. vegetables and fruit then they are on the right path! If you’re eating more of the good stuff, then you’ll have less room for the “fillers,” or things that may not be as healthy for you. As far as superfoods go, these are foods that have an exceptional nutritional profile that have multiple benefits. I will list some of my favorites below (no affiliations included). Start small and try one thing at a time to see how your body reacts to them.

My favorites superfoods that I have a regular rotation on in my diet include the following:




Apricot Seeds


Sea Buckhorn




Barley Grass

Blue Butterfly Pea





Matcha/Green Tea

Raw, Organic honey

I will have a follow up to all of these superfoods, but for now-take a look at one of these to include in your diet!

**Make sure to check with your doctor before including any new food in your diet

